

Call Kiss My K9 to set up a free consultation. We will come to your home and meet you and your pets.
You can also stop in during regular business hours to find out more about our services, read client testimonials
or browse our large selection of holistic foods and pet supplies.
You probably have them on the wrong diet. Let
Kiss My K9 help you by providing affordable diet counseling and
free food delivery.
Kiss My K9 is owned and operated by Antonia
Robbins. It is family operated and you will personally get to know
your pet sitter. Unlike most other services Kiss My K9 believes
in routine and consistency. We provide a consistent pet sitter that
can develop a bond with your pet. You can feel confident knowing
you will always have the same pet sitter.
Call us anytime day or night, 24 hours a day
365 days a year. We are always at your service. We keep all of your
information on file so that you can leave on a moments notice.
We offer referral discounts,15% senior discounts
and 15% adoption discounts. Call us for more information.
KissMyK9 | 1640 Orrington | Evanston, Illinois 60201
Tel. 847.424.0517 | Fax. 847.424.0753 | kissmyk9@ameritech.net
All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2003.